Why do you foster out dogs?
There may be any number of reasons for fostering but the main one is to further assess the dog in a home environment as we need to see how the dog reacts to various stimuli in the home
How long will I be expected to foster a dog?
Unless it’s a temporary foster, it’s difficult to tell but we do like to get our dogs into adoption as soon as possible. You will be kept updated with how the adoption process is going
What happens if I can no longer care for the dog?
We ask that you contact us as soon as possible but also ask you to be patient as we can’t always place dogs overnight. If there is an emergency we will look for emergency kennels that can take the dog until we find an alternative foster
Who pays for medical bills if they arise?
We will pay for all medical bills for the foster dog. We will ask you if you have a preferred veterinary practice and will look to setting up an account there for you
What should I do if there’s a medical emergency?
Contact the vet immediately and explain that the dog is a foster with UK Spaniel Rescue. We will provide you with a letter of authorisation for treatment for your foster dog
Who is responsible for communicating with potential adopters, screening them and introducing the dog to them?
The rehoming team will deal with all queries but we will ask you to provide regular updates on your foster dog and be available at a mutually convenient time for adopters to meet the dog
Will I be required to bring him to adoption events and, if so, where/when?
There may be the possibility of doing this in the future but for the time being, we have no plans
Will you provide food, supplies (such as a lead or crate), medications, etc., or will I be expected to?
We will provide everything you need for your foster dog. Generally we will order items to be sent directly to you
As a foster carer, what am I responsible for?
You are responsible for looking after the foster dog in the best way that you can. You will be given a Foster Agreement that will give personalised information for your dog
If I have a problem, whom can I contact? If I leave a message, how quickly will that person get back to me?
You will be assigned an adoption co-ordinator who will be your first point of contact but in an emergency, any of the team will be available to you
Can I adopt if I choose?
Yes, of course. Foster carers often form a bond with their dogs and often wish to adopt. You will still receive full backup from UK Spaniel Rescue
Are home checks carried out in person/virtually?
All homechecks are carried out in person by one of our volunteers
How long does the process take?
There are a few factors to take into account. It can be as fast as 2 weeks or it can take longer. It also depends on which dogs we have in and if they are a good match.
“Happiness is a warm puppy.” – Charles Shultz