Rescue Back Up policy (RBU)

Rescue Back Up is a commonly used phrase in the dog rescue world. It shows the rescue’s commitment to both the dog and you as the adopter after the adoption has taken place.

What is RBU?
Any rescue worth its salt will have a good rescue backup plan in place which will last for the entirety of that dog’s life. Whether it be simply asking questions about your dog once you have him or her at home to needing to rehome your dog due to forces outside your control, UK Spaniel Rescue HQ is here for you. This is important because we know life changes and when we take a dog in, we commit ourselves to that dog, regardless of age or the circumstances in which it was originally surrendered.

RBU includes access to our first class behaviourist team, our canine law colleagues or simply our rehoming team. We want you to feel valued as an adopter.

Whilst RBU does not cover specific health issues suffered by your dog after adoption, if there are any health issues that we are aware of prior to adoption, out rehoming team will discuss this with you. You will be provided with a medical history for your dog to give to your own veterinary practice.

Should you ever be in a position where you think things aren’t working out with your new adopted dog, please contact us as soon as possible letting us know what the problem is and how you would like us to help. Should you decide you are no longer able to keep the dog, we ask that you are patient with us. As a foster run rescue, we do not own kennels and may need some time to place your dog with a foster before rehoming.

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