Neutering, sometimes called sterilisation, ‘de-sexing’ or ‘fixing’, is a common type of surgery that permanently stops your dog from being able to have puppies. In male dogs, this is known as castration and involves the testicles (testes) being removed. In females, the ovaries and usually the uterus are taken out and is called spaying. Although both procedures involve a general anaesthetic, your dog is likely to be back home with you on the same day as their operation (Kennel Club)
For more information on neutering, please see the Kennel Club website
UK Spaniel Rescue will require that and dogs or bitches that are not neutered prior to coming to the rescue, be neutered within 6 months or being fostered (at the rescue’s expense) or adoption. On receipt of a receipt from your vet, we will refund £100 for a spay and £50 for a neuter. The only exception to this will be dogs/bitches that are too young or too old or the vet has advised otherwise. If the latter, we will need proof from your vet as to why he/she feels that to carry out the neutering would put the dog/bitch at risk.
Under NO circumstance should any UK Spaniel Rescue dog/bitch be used for breeding.
As a rescue one of our aims is to reduce the number of unwanted dogs in the UK and we will only place dogs in homes with where existing pets are neutered. Whilst we recognise there may be circumstances where existing pets are not neutered, we will only consider these applications in exceptional circumstances.