These are just a few ideas but any form of fundraising is fine by us…as long as it’s legal!
1. Bake sale
2. Birthday giving
3. Book sale
4. Coffee morning
5. Eurovision party
6. Night-time walk
7. Quiz night/pub quiz
8. Tombola
9. Silver Smarties
10. 24 hour challenges
11. Krispy Kreme donuts
12. Bad tie day
13. Birthday donation
14. Italian (or any other country) evening
15. Easter egg hunt
16. Face painting
17. Fancy dress
18. Fun run
19. Jumble sale
20. Karaoke night
21. Murder mystery night
22. Bingo night
23. Sponsor a dog
24. Teddy bear’s picnic
25. Facebook fundraising
26. Guess the breed
27. Football card
28. Caption competition
29. Collection/swear jars
30. Weight loss challenge
31. Guess the baby
32. 50/50 raffle
33. Silent auction
34. Vacation auction
35. Reverse auction
36. Treasure Map Grid
37. Jenga Block with Prizes Written On
38. Wind-Up Toy Race
39. Balloon Pop
40. Lucky Dip
41. Name the bear
42. Pet rock adoption
43. Golden Ticket in Chocolate Bars
44. Balloon raffle
45. Auction of promises
46. Silent disco
47. Scavenger hunt
48. Craft fair
49. Give something up
50. Mystery Boxes