Fundraising Links

We are asking you to help us to Stand Up 4 Spaniels by shopping with our affiliate advertisers. We also like to pay it forward by giving you something in return for your support. Many of the suppliers are simply offering a discount to you for supporting us, some are offering a discount to you and a small commission to us and some are offering us a small commission for you clicking on our link to buy.

Ultimately, it is the dogs who benefit as we believe that all the money that is raised for the dogs should go to the dogs and for the dogs and as dog lovers yourselves, we know that you appreciate how hard it is in these times to raise money. We hope you will enjoy shopping with our partners. Just click on the logos to take you to their websites

The UK Spaniel Rescue Team

We would really appreciate your support by signing up for any of the organisations mentioned below. Plus, if you fill out our Gift Aid form, you’ll enable us to claim an additional 25p from the government for every £1 you contribute.

Quote ref: UKSR1 for 10% discount
Get 10% discount on orders over £20
Claim, your 10% discount
Quote code UKSR10 for 10% off ALL your orders
Quote UKSR10 for a 10% discount
Quote UKSpan20 for 20% discount
Quote ‘Springer’ for 5% off your purchase
Quote UKSR10 for 10% discount on Roolo
UKSR10 gets you 10% off Floof Petcare
Use your dog’s fur and UKSR5 for a 5% discount
Just quote ‘SPANIEL’ for a 10% discount

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