
Hi, I’m Maureen.

Whilst I’ve never been directly involved with any rescues or spaniels as my preferred breed is a Border Collie, I’ve always supported the local ones financially. I do have 2 Border Collies and look after my daughter’s Cockapoo and a cat who ‘adopted’ me 13 years ago.

I’m a massive animal lover and my ambition has always been that if I ever won a lot of money I’d buy somewhere with a lot of land and turn it into a rescue for ALL animals.

My financial background began working in the wages department at Silentnight. I then became cashier dealing with hundreds of thousands of pounds on a daily basis. After my 2 children were born I went back briefly part time in wages before leaving. I’ve been volunteer treasurer in the past for the local youth club and also the local WI up until last year.

I look forward to working with you all as a treasurer

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