Let’s talk ID tags and microchipping.

Sadly there’s no 7th day of Christmas from Caroline today due to a power cut – thanks Storm Darragh!

It has been a legal requirement for dogs to be microchipped since April 2016 (and cats from June 2024) yet still dogs are being picked up as strays and either not having a microchip or the keeper’s details are not up to date.

When out and about, your dog must also have an ID tag with your up to date details on (name and address at the very least but a phone number is very helpful).

If you have lost your pet’s microchip details, you can ask your vet to scan them and they will let you know. Once you have the number, you can check which database your pet is registered with on www.checkachip.comand check that your details are up to date. People often change their mobile numbers and forget to update the details.

You can read more about microchipping on the Government website https://www.gov.uk/get-your-dog-cat-microchippedand about ID tags at https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/1992/901/article/2/made

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